Actionable insights and market leading data visualisation

Recruitment Analytics

Empower hiring teams to make great recruitment decisions.

Recruitment Analytics
Translate data into actionable insights to make better decisions.

Interactive Analytics Dashboards

Translate data into actionable insights to make better decisions.

Assess and communicate the efficiency of your Talent Acquisition function.

Visualise and explore recruitment data, powered by Sisense

Dashboards enable data filtering and drill-down capability

Embedded analytics help guide rapid operational decisions

Download dashboards or individual charts in your desired format

Get real-time data, reporting and analytics

Custom Reporting with Analytics Pro

Get real-time data, reporting and analytics

Design LiveHire dashboard to suit your organisation’s unique needs.

Create highly customisable data visualisations and interactive dashboards

Self-service data exploration and insights

APIs provide access to the data that underpins LiveHire Analytics

Load extracted data directly to a data warehouse or BI tool

The analytics have been instrumental for us in showing the value of the centralised model, we can see how much more efficient we are at filling vacancies.
Pia Algate — Senior Manager, Resourcing & Talent - Anglicare SA

Analytics delivers Learn More

Eliminating gender bias and the pay gap.

Diversity Analytics

Eliminating gender bias and the pay gap.

Track gender diversity across every aspect of your recruitment process.

Recruitment funnel break down

Sourcing charts by gender

Job offer analysis to identify gender pay gap

Take the next step

The best way to source, engage and hire.