Case Study

How Growthbuilt saved $1.15 million in 12 months with LiveHire

Company Background

Growthbuilt is a leading Tier 2 design and construction company which has been delivering high quality residential, mixed use, co-living and commercial projects across Sydney for over 18 years. Growthbuilt employ a team of 150+ people across projects in Sydney and the Illawarra who have expertise across the Construction Project Management – including Estimating, Design, Project Management, Site Management, Quality, Post Construction and Corporate Support.

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Key results

$1.15 million in cost savings in 12 months

$1.15 million in cost savings in 12 months

33 min average SMS candidate response time

33 min average SMS candidate response time

47% of hires from Talent Community or Career website in 12 months

47% of hires from Talent Community or Career website in 12 months


Like many industries, construction was experiencing talent shortages which made it difficult for Growthbuilt to attract quality candidates. They relied heavily on recruitment agencies to source talent which was costly and impacted time-to-hire.

Once a construction tender is awarded, projects need to start soon after and staff need to be sourced quickly. Talent shortages made it hard to fill these open roles, even when working closely with agency partners.

Due to the competitive talent landscape Growthbuilt were also experiencing some candidate drop off after contract signing. Candidates would wait their lengthy notice period and just prior to the start date notify Growthbuilt they were no longer available. This impacted time to fill roles, as a new candidate needed to be sourced.

The recruitment process meant that hiring managers often worked directly with agencies. The lack of visibility with hiring made it difficult to on-board new starters, often Human Resources weren’t aware when people were starting and were unable to ensure they had the right equipment from day one.

"We have saved over a million dollars in our first financial year by using LiveHire which is incredible!"

Glen Violantzis

Talent Acquisition Business Partner, Growthbuilt.


Growthbuilt decided an internal recruitment function would allow them to accelerate time-to-hire and improve the candidate experience. As part of the change process they recognised they needed an applicant tracking system that would eliminate manual processes and allow them to build talent pipelines.

After reviewing a number of recruitment systems Growthbuilt decided to implement LiveHire. “We were really impressed with LiveHire, we realised the bulk hiring and talent pooling functionality are well ahead of the other systems we looked at,” said Sarah Smith, People & Culture Business Partner, Growthbuilt.

Putting candidates in control
Growthbuilt wanted to give candidates the ability to update their own details and liked the federated profiles that LiveHire delivers. “Other systems we looked at only store the information a recruiter types into the system, and the information becomes outdated quickly, with LiveHire candidates enter and maintain their own information which makes our lives much easier.” said Ms Smith

“We have saved over a million dollars in our first financial year by using LiveHire which is incredible,” said Glen Violantzis, Talent Acquisition Business Partner.

Growthbuilt are excited by these initial savings because they realise it’s still early on in their implementation journey and some features still need to be rolled out. “My favourite tool is the scheduling. It’s so quick and easy to schedule interviews with candidates and have that invite go straight to the calendars of our hiring managers,” said Mr Violantzis.

“When we calculate the LiveHire costs, the internal recruiter salary, job board advertising fees etc, on average each placement costs us $2,383. Prior to LiveHire the average placement cost was $23,916, that’s a saving of over 90%.”

Mitchell Stubbs

Head of People & Culture, Growthbuilt.

Sourcing quality candidates
Prior to implementing LiveHire, Growthbuilt were reliant on agency candidates which sometimes made it difficult to fill roles when urgent staffing needs arose.

Building a talent community
Since going live 12 months ago Growthbuilt have been developing their talent community. Candidates can join the talent community from the company’s career page. This has been growing steadily and they already have around 2,300 candidates registered. Within the talent community, talent pools are created by job type which makes it easy to source candidates when they need someone to start immediately.

Creating a Talent Pipeline
“Talent Pools are working really well for us, particularly for contract administrators, that is a role we are constantly filling and they are usually needed at the drop of a hat.” said Ms Smith.

Using LiveHire Growthbuilt is able to build rapport with Contract Administrators before the hiring need arises. Once someone joins the talent community, the recruitment team is able to discuss the types of projects that a candidate is looking for, and also explore the priorities they have for their career. Once they have that detail they can add them to the appropriate talent pool and contact them as soon as a project that suits them comes up to book in an interview.

Two-way text messaging
The team at Growthbuilt has embraced two way text messaging. A text message is a more convenient way for candidates to communicate, especially if they are working on a building site. The average response rate to Growthbuilt SMS messages is 33 minutes.

“The built in text messaging feature is a game changer for us, the fact that we can communicate via text natively on the platform is really convenient and a huge time saver.” said Ms Smith

Dashboards and analytics are proving powerful for the team at Growthbuilt, the data is helping them to make informed decisions regarding all aspects of recruitment. They were surprised when they started to track the source of hire at the high quality of candidates that were applying through free job boards.

“We now are able to easily post on the free job posting sites and were amazed to see them producing quality candidates, in fact six of the people we hired in the last seven months came from a free job site.”

Growthbuilt are now able to choose the advertising platforms that deliver the best candidates which has helped them to reduce advertising spend and uncover quality candidates faster.

The team at Growthbuilt has achieved impressive hard dollar savings since implementing LiveHire. They are now able to harness the power of reporting to make informed decisions about their recruitment spend and keep management informed across all aspects of recruitment.

In addition, Growthbuilt has drastically reduced timeto-hire and recruitment costs by harnessing the power of LiveHire Talent Pools to build out a talent pipeline of quality candidates that are engaged and ready to work. Growthbuilt will continue to achieve remarkable results as they progress the LiveHire implementation across the business.

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