Case Study

How Intuitive rapidly hired talent on-site with LiveHire and Raise

Company Background

Intuitive, a pioneer of robotic-assisted surgery, engaged with Geometric Results Inc (GRI) to implement a Managed Direct Sourcing (MDS) program to help achieve their contingent workforce goals. GRI brought in Raise Recruiting for the sourcing and curation of candidates with LiveHire’s Direct Sourcing Technology.

Raise Recruiting and LiveHire leveraged the Intuitive brand to attract and engage Assembly Technicians at a recent careers fair.

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Key results

1 minute response time to confirm for the event

1 minute response time to confirm for the event

48% hired from the Talent Community

48% hired from the Talent Community

44 offers on the day of the event

44 offers on the day of the event

736 Pre-qualified talent pool members

736 Pre-qualified talent pool members


• Promote event and boost registrations and attendance of suitable candidates

• Register, interview and test candidates rapidly and efficiently on-site at the event

• Collaborate with Hiring Managers using a modern approach to engage candidates.

"LiveHire’s sourcing technology provided an optimal candidate pool and successful job fair experience for Intuitive."

Wendy Patience O’Brien

Sr. Human Resources Program Manager, Contingent Workforce at Intuitive


LiveHire enabled Intuitive to digitize the recruitment process and deliver a consumer-grade
experience, delivering a consistent candidate experience and achieving rapid, volume hiring outcomes. LiveHire’s unique system design, centered on the unified candidate profile, enabled recruiters to communicate with speed. 75% of candidates registered for the event and confirmed their attendance, responding within 1 minute through 2-way text message functionality. This made the hiring process much more efficient, with 42% of candidates hired from the private Intuitive Talent Community.

Working with LiveHire has been an incredible experience. The team is always willing to go the extra mile to find solutions whether its for everyday work or unique projects.

I have seen extensive development over the time we have partnered with LiveHire. They have created a platform that enables more effective communication with our candidates and provides customized workflows for all our hiring needs.

We recently made 57 offers in one day at a job fair. LiveHire created a customized workflow that enabled us to track candidates through a multi-step interview process onsite at our client. LiveHire helped us to quickly engage with our pre-vetted talent community members. We were able to invite them to the event using SMS and our candidates were responding in as little as a minute. The day of the event registration process was seamless with the help of QR codes and the ease of LiveHire’s application process. Candidates walked away with a job offer and we instantly had their resumes and contact information we required. The custom workflow made it possible for us to pull specific metrics for our client."

Samantha Fallis

Account & Curation Manager Raise Recruiting

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ASICS leveraged LiveHire’s technology to launch their biggest store world-wide

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