Fellow - Interventional Radiology 2026 - Alfred Health | LiveHireicon-resource-website icon-resource-website
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Fellow - Interventional Radiology 2026

LocationAlfred Health
Positions1 Position
Published At:a month ago
Job no: 72222
Category: Junior Medical, Fellow

Alfred Health

Alfred Health is a leader in health care delivery, improvement, research and education. We are the main provider of health services to people living in the inner southeast suburbs of Melbourne, from ambulatory to inpatient and home and community-based services.

The Alfred has one of the most advanced and comprehensive Interventional Radiology services in the country. The IR service has 3 angiography suites, admitting rights to the hospital, conducts daily ward rounds, outpatient clinics and has a strong involvement in research.

The Alfred Interventional Radiology fellowship offers comprehensive training in IR and an opportunity to be involved in research.

Duties will be principally in the Interventional Radiology suite with some on call for Interventional Radiology.

Further information may be obtained from Prof Gerard Goh g.goh@alfred.org.au

Applications close: Sunday 23/02/2025


Alfred Health is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to attracting and retaining a diverse workforce that reflects the community we serve.  Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged.

All Alfred Health employees are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This is in accordance with the Vaccination of Health Care Workers (COVID-19) Directions - Health Services. All Alfred Health employees are required to be vaccinated against influenza. This is in accordance with the Mandatory Vaccination of Health Care Workers (Influenza Vaccine) Directions - Health Services Establishments for influenza.

Website: www.alfredhealth.org.au

  • Published on 12 Jan 2025, 10:03 PM